2019 Prefect Speeches

On Thursday 25 October the Senior School gathered in the undercover area for a special school assembly - The 2019 Prefect Speeches.

Eleven current Year 11 students delivered confident and enthusiastic speeches, vying for positions of Head Boy, Head Girl, Arts Captain and Service Captain.

The content in their delivery focussed on their previous experiences as student counsellors, events and initiatives they have been involved in at PCACS, individual talents and strengths they can bring to a Senior Leadership role and most importantly, their passions in creating and maintaining a positive culture at the school.

Both Mr Halliday and Ms House praised the students on their amazing efforts in speaking to over 400 students, all equally impressive, making the decision for voters  and Senior Staff very difficult. On Friday 26 October, each House will gather as a Senior School group so that interested House Captains for 2019 will make their speeches and bid for their own leadership position.

The culture and PCACS spirit is alive at PCACS.  Despite who is successfully chosen in the coming weeks, all candidates presented this year would make outstanding leaders in 2019.