ASC Service Learning Tour – Samoa July 2019

Information Evening Tonight! 

An exciting opportunity has arisen for an overseas service learning experience for students in Years 9 and 10.  Students from Peter Carnley Anglican Community School (PCACS), along with students from all of the Anglican Schools’ Commission (ASC) schools, are invited to join the ASC Service Learning Tour to Samoa in July 2019.  The organiser of the trip is Rev’d David Jones, the Coordinator Samoan Service Learning for the ASC and Chaplain at Cathedral College Wangaratta.    

The main focus of this trip is for students to spend time with the students and teachers at All Saints Anglican School in Apia.  They will also have time to discover the beauty of Samoa – the people, the culture, the landscape, the beaches, the traditions. 

To find out more details including dates, purpose of the trip, itinerary, cost, supervision and participation expectations, you are invited to attend an information evening tonight at 6.30pm in the Admin Seminar Room at Wellard Campus.  Rev’d David Jones will be running this informative session. 

If you are unable to attend the meeting and would like more information or an application form, please email the Service Learning Coordinator, Mrs Rebecca Weddikkara,  (  You can also contact Rev’d David Jones for more information (

Please note that applications are due in by 29 March.