Chinese Study Tour Farewell

On Wednesday 29 August, we farewelled our visiting Chinese Study Tour students and parents by celebrating with a morning tea and gift ceremony.

All of the students spoke in English about their experiences at our school and were each presented with their own House Shirt.

Mr Shane Parnell (Head of IT and Operations) and Ms Felicity House (Principal) also presented certificates of appreciation to the students and their parents, a simple gesture and reminder about their short but special time learning with our students at PCACS.

"Anyone who visits our School, whether it be 1 hour or one week, are always part of our community.  We have learnt so much from your culture as much as you have learnt about our Australian culture.  You and your families are always welcome back to our school."  Mr Parnell Said.

"We have really enjoyed having you in our classrooms and we will all miss you very much." 

Some close bonds were certainly formed amongst the students and this experience will be a life-long memory for all involved.