Cyber Bully Busters

On Thursday 15 March, Class Act Theatre visited our Years 5 and 6 students to perform an informative session on Cyber Bullying.  They delivered it in a humorous yet interesting way for the students, highlighting the effects that Cyber Bullying can have on individuals and their self-esteem.

The performance highlighted strategies that students can use to firstly avoid being a victim of cyber bullying but also what to do if they witness it, particularly recognising if a friend is being victimised.  This awareness is something very important for all teenagers, particularly on how to combat it if they were ever exposed to it.

Internet, email, web sites, social networking, chat rooms, mobile phones and texting all require a level of responsibility, as they are in the lives of all teenagers, but are also mediums where Cyber Bullying normally takes place.  A responsible use of these mediums and an informed mind on this topic is crucial for our students growing up in the digital world.