Finding your talents!

Today's Senior School Assembly was focussed on the unique gifts and talents we all possess.  Our responsibility as individuals is to pursue those things in our life that we enjoy and are passionate about and work hard at achieving our own level of success!  

Visiting presenter Mr Kyle March (Director of Sport, Associated & Catholic Colleges of WA) reinforced this theme and spoke to the Senior School students about our ability to work hard at the things we love, using a Year 10 PCACS student as an example of this work ethic and the rewards that can result. Year 10 student Madison Good was the recipient of the ACC Letterman Award presented by Mr March.  She achieved this by making the ACC (Inter school) All Stars team four times in Cross Country.  To qualify for this award, a student must make an ACC All star Team four times throughout their high school time within the same sport.  Madison achieved this by being in the top 3 at the ACC Cross Country Carnival in four consecutive years, with up to 350 participants competing in each race.  Madison is the very first PCACS student to receive this honour.

Following this presentation, Mrs Melanie Hunt (Duke of Edinburgh Coordinator) awarded Year 10 student, Jordan Foyle and staff member Ms Amber Wesley with Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Awards (DOE). These Awards are awarded to people between the ages of 14 and 25 and Amber just snuck in the age criteria, just before her 25th birthday.  The DOE Award is a leading structured (non-formal education) youth development program, empowering all young Australians aged between 14 to 25 to explore their full potential regardless of their location or circumstance. The Award is a fully inclusive program and has no social, political, or religious affiliations.  To earn an Award, each young person must learn a skill, improve their physical well being, volunteer in their community and experience a team adventure in a new environment. All Participants are supported by a network of adult Award Leaders, Assessors, Supervisors, and mentors.

To read about Year 10 student Connor Hunt's recent DOE adventure, click HERE

The Year 11 students, Tisha Davies and Caelan Browning followed on from Mrs Hunt and presented an entertaining clip from the recent Year 11 Camp which had a primary focus on team-building and independence skills. Students also explored leadership, developing effective communication strategies, trust exercises, supporting one another and building self-esteem. Every student was personally challenged over the 4-day camp.

Mr Rob Carman also took to the stage throughout the assembly for his annual spruiking of Science Week, scheduled for Week 5 of this term.  This year's theme is 'Game Changers and Change Makers'. In true PCACS style, this week will provide an array of Science-based opportunities, wacky experiments, quizzes and competitions. 

PCACS provides a whole range of educational, cultural, personal and sporting opportunities for its students.  Director of Pastoral Care, Mr Adam Halliday, reinforced this by introducing a new Senior School Rewards System towards the end of the assembly.  This system has been introduced to recognise excellence, achievement, contribution and high behaviour standards within our school community.  The awards system is a formal recognition designed to support the vast array of other positive behaviour/ achievement supports offered at the school.

Term 3 at PCACS is a busy one and all students have it within their grasp to take on as many challenges as possible, do their absolute best in all of their subjects, continue to pursue their hobbies and interests and hopefully...find their own version of personal success!