Harmony Day Celebrations

The Junior School commenced their Harmony Week celebrations today by dressing up in costume from their family Heritage.  Both teachers and students adorned a wide variety of garments, and celebrated in song at their morning assembly and finishing with a costume parade around the oval perimeter.  Harmony Week is a time set aside for all Western Australians to celebrate our vibrant multicultural State, and more importantly, for our School community to celebrate our wonderful multi-cultural school. 

This is the week for us all to encourage, experience, explore and appreciate each other’s wealth of cultural, religious, linguistic and ethnic diversity.  We share a rich heritage that originates from every part of the world, and here in the Junior School, we are learning what it means to celebrate inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for all Australians, from the traditional owners of the land to those who have come from many countries around the world.

In order to discover where we all come from, we have displayed large world maps at each campus so that every student can place a dot sticker on the country from where his or her family originates.