Harmony Day Celebrations Continue

Today, the Junior School continued their 'Harmony Day' celebrations at the Wellard campus, kicking off the day with a Junior School assembly.

Year 6 E class spoke about a variety of cultures and it was amazing to see how many students' families were from all over the world.   

Year 2 students made 'Harmony Hats' and brought in significant items which belonged to their family Heritage. 

The Year 5 students prepared food and cuisines from around the world and sat together to share a multi-cultural morning tea on the lawn (Until the sprinklers came on!)

The Year 3s were busy creating posters with their own unique hand prints and reflections about Harmony Day. 

The Year 4s coloured and designed flag 'heart and hands', exploring unity amongst different cultures.  

These activities are very important, not only to celebrate our multi-culturalism in Australia, but to remind us that PCACS is a harmonious community where we are all accepted, despite differences in race, religion and our own personal beliefs.