iPads to Enhance Learning in the Junior School

The staff and students at the Calista campus have been eagerly awaiting the arrival of shared student iPads. Teachers across Calista have been investigating exciting new Apps to enhance and facilitate student learning. Thus far, each class has a Seesaw account where teachers share the wonderful work and activities that students have been engaged in during their lessons. This is a great way for parents and carers to get a snapshot into the classroom and see the learning that is taking place there.  

At Calista, we anticipate that the shared iPads will be used in small group rotations to ensure they are only one element of the lesson, and do not replace traditional reading and writing skills. All devices come with strict restrictions to prevent students from navigating off the intended activity. We are looking forward to utilising this amazing technology to take our classrooms and our students’ learning into the future.

At the Wellard campus our staff are planning exciting and meaningful learning experiences to integrate our new shared student iPads. iPads are a multipurpose learning tool, in which the staff at Wellard campus are thrilled to begin using in our classroom. These devices will be used in a variety of different ways to continue to engage and inspire our students. Teachers are exploring the use of iPads in each class for research purposes, recording our information, displaying our learning, whilst with a firm focus on traditional reading, writing and numeracy skills.  It is essential that we prepare our students for the future and we are excited about all the possibilities that using iPads as a learning tool brings.

We know our students are excited to get started on this new learning journey using and exploring the iPads.

Nicola Hoad and Lana Ceklic