P&F Welcome Morning Tea 2019

On Friday 22 February, the PCACS P&F welcomed a host of parents for a morning tea catch up at our ELC Calista Campus.

The Parents and Friends (P&F) Association is an essential and active element of PCACS. Parental assistance across a wide range of activities is essential to the proper functioning of the School. Our primary focus is FRIENDRAISING.

"We welcome ALL parents in our community to be involved in our planned activities for 2019.  It is a very rewarding experience for all involved and we make such a positive impact on the lives of our children at our beautiful school.  Our P&F Association holds a number of regular events throughout the School year, including a School Disco, Annual Music Quiz Night and our very popular Movie Nights. We aim to provide some sort of structured social event each term, and look forward to seeing as many families as possible to experience the friendship of this community."  Ms Clarissa Thomson, President

2019 P&F PCACS Events Calendar

