Prefect Induction Ceremony 2018

On Thursday 1 February, staff and students at the PCACS Wellard campus, together with invited parents, gathered in the Keith Lindbeck Centre to celebrate the Induction of our Prefects, the newly appointed leaders in the school community.

Throughout the introduction, Head of Senior School Ms Jude Stringer highlighted that this 'calling' comes with significant responsibility and is certainly a position of privilege for the students.

Following the blessing of the badges by our School Chaplain Rev Melanie Simms, our School Principal, Ms Felicity House, invited each Prefect and House Leader to the front of the stage to receive their respective badges. This is a PCACS tradition and a public acknowledgement of the students’ commitment to the role.

Shortly after the Prefects’ and House Leaders oath to the community, Prefect blazes were presented to Head Girl Rebecca Carson-Holmes, Head Boy Brock Molloy and Deputy Head Leader Lubna Bhugeloo.

In recognition of the Prefects’ leadership positions in the school, ‘symbols of office’ were also presented to the prefects on stage, including the school cross (symbolising christianity), the school banner (Symbolising our foundation, history and purpose) and the lighting of the school candle (Symbolising that Christ is the light of the world and our guiding light).

The Year 12 students concluded the ceremony by standing in front of their peers and receiving their Year 12 Leader badges. Ms Stringer acknowledged this honour,

“We know that you will wear this badge with pride, and that you will be exemplary role models to all students and the wider community.”

Following the Ceremony, the Prefects and House Leaders were invited, together with their parents, to share morning tea in the Admininstration Seminar room with the School Executive team.

Cam Allen
Marketing & Community Engagement