Principal's Welcome Assembly & Prefect Induction

On Wednesday 6 February, the Years 5-12 students and their teachers gathered in the Keith Lindbeck Centre for the Principal's Welcome Assembly and Prefect Induction.

"Today we welcome everyone to the 2019 academic year and hold our Induction Ceremony where we will call our Prefects to be the leaders of our School Community.  This calling comes with significant responsibilities.  Staff and students will bear witness to their oath of office and to their public acceptance of this position of privilege.  We will  also recognise all of the Year 12s as the leaders of our School and acknowledge their role as the Seniors of 2019.  We have every confidence that they will fulfill their role as leaders of our School with distinction."

After the blessing and handing over of the badges to the Prefects Elects, the Years 7-10 student representatives presented the Prefect Blazers to the Year 12 leaders.  The School Cross and Banner, as per tradition, were handed to our Head Girl & Boy Tisha Davies and Blake Newton and Deputy Head Prefect Dakota Franz received the School Bible from Ms Stringer and Mr Parnell invited Deputy Head Prefect Hyllyan Lopez to light the School Candle.

We as a School community are very privileged to have such passionate young men and women who will lead in 2019.  Their enthusiasm and commitment to their roles as Prefects is admirable.  

One of the School values 'Excellence' is the theme for PCACS this year.  We have no doubt our Prefects will live up to this value by pursuing the highest standards in all areas of school life individually but collectively as a dynamic leadership group.