Video Game Challenge

The Video Game Challenge is a team problem solving challenge that aims to enhance the potential of students by developing digital technology skills, creativity, time management and the discipline to work collaboratively within a supported environment.  Students aim to produce an original video game that the school may submit on their behalf to the ACER STEM Video Game Challenge. 13 Students from Years 5-7 participated in weekly co curricular sessions during Term 2, and also utilised additional lunchtimes and weekends to complete their games.

The following students took part in the challenge:  

Felix Abbott, Tyler Layman, Christopher Argentino, Finn Eriksen, Ethan Brownsden, Joshua Vermey, Anna Sawicki, Mackenzie Bewetz, George Old, Benjamin Phillips, Lachlan Pratt, Nashwa Saalem (Absent from Photo), Ollie Crowder (Absent from Photo)