Walkabout Cambodia 2019

Over the past week, Ms Jude Stringer, Mr Adam Halliday and I have conducted interviews for potential pilgrims for Walkabout Cambodia 2019.  We were overwhelmed with the interest in this tour and the high quality applications.  All of the students are to be commended for their mature approach to the interviews; they expressed a deep desire to serve others and practice leadership through this opportunity.  Unfortunately, for this tour we are able to offer only six places.

Congratulations to the following students who were selected to represent the School on Walkabout Cambodia 2019:

Jack Austin – Year 11

Caelan Browning – Year 11

Dakota Franz – Year 11

Aiden Galbraith – Year 11

Georgia Johnson – Year 11

Annelise Morton – Year 10

I look forward to sharing their journey with you over the coming twelve months.  Keep your eye out for opportunities to support this group and the community they will be visiting.

I encourage all students who applied for the tour to immerse themselves in service opportunities that may arise within the School community and other local organisations and continue to pursue the interest that they have expressed in serving and helping others.

Mrs Rebecca Weddikkara
Service Learning Coordinator