Year 3 students visit Calista Campus - Year 1 Buddies

On Monday 9 April the three Year 3 classes as Wellard campus hit the pavement and ventured over to our Calista campus to meet up with their Year 1 buddies.

This is a very important initiative for both Years 1 and 3 students, as it allows the older students to share some of their project work with the younger students, and work collaboratively on hands-on activities.  The focus for this visit was science-based, with all classes focussed on the relationship between the planets in our solar system.  Student worked with their buddies, asking questions and sharing a laugh.  Following this activity, the Year 1 students practiced their reading with their Year 3 buddy.

The aim of the Buddy Programme is to create a friendly and caring envionment where strong cross-aged peer relationships can be built and maintained. The Buddies Programme helps students to develop positive social skills.

The activities focus on core values such as friendliness, responsibility, respect, caring for others, valuing and supporting difference and including others. 

After a successful afternoon, the Year 3s started their journey back to Wellard, walking through an unexpected light shower of rain to finish off the day.