
The Parents and Friends (P&F) Association is an essential and active element of PCACS. Parental assistance across a wide range of activities is essential to the proper functioning of the School. Our primary focus is FRIENDRAISING.

The P&F also has a role to provide volunteer assistance in such areas as Co Curricular, working bees, outdoor education, social activities, the Library and friendraising events. We acknowledge respectfully that many parents have heavy time and work commitments that limit their availability for involvement in P&F activities.

If you would like to volunteer to help with a P&F event complete the Volunteer Declaration Form and return it to the P&F.

AGM Invitation and Nomination Form for 2024 Committee


Parents contribute to a Fundraising Levy which is currently set at $35.00 per family and is charged annually. This levy replaces all fundraising such as raffles and stalls, etc.

P&F Events

Our P&F Association holds a number of regular events throughout the School year, including a School Disco, Annual Music Quiz Night and our very popular Movie Nights. We aim to provide some sort of structured social event each term, and look forward to seeing as many families as possible to experience the friendship of this community.

