
Peter Carnley Anglican Community School is a Christian School in the Anglican tradition.  This means that Chapel, Christianity and spirituality play a large part in our School life.  Students attend a chapel service once a fortnight, and we have special chapel services to celebrate various events in the life of the School.  As well as having an ANZAC service and a Remembrance service, we also celebrate Christmas, Easter and Founders' Day with Eucharistic celebrations.  We follow the Anglican liturgical calendar, and so our students also learn about Pentecost, Advent, Lent and the cycle of the church year.  In this way the School becomes a worshiping community of its own, within the Anglican Diocese of Perth.

Our Chapel services on both our Wellard and Calista campuses give our students an opportunity to learn more about the Christian faith, to explore their own faith and to reflect on life in general.  While Chapel services are distinctly Christian, all faiths are respected and the truths that are explored are common to our modern, everyday life.  Students of all faiths are welcome to attend PCACS, and we expect everyone to attend, participate in and be respectful of our Chapel life.