
School Patron

The School has been named in honour of the sixth Archbishop of Perth, Dr Peter Carnley.  He served as Archbishop of Perth and Metropolitan of Western Australia from 1981 to 2005.  Dr Carnley also served as Primate of the Anglican Church of Australia from 2000-2005.  

It was under Dr Carnley's leadership that the Anglican Schools Commission Inc (ASC) was formed in 1985, enabling an Anglican education to become more accessible to Western Australians.  The first school, St Mark's Anglican Community School, opened in 1986.

Dr Carnley generously donated his personal and antique Bishop's crosier to the School in appreciation of the School being named after him.

The Anglican Schools Commission

Peter Carnley Anglican Community School is owned by the Anglican Schools Commission Inc (ASC). Established in 1985, the ASC is a separately incorporated entity, governed by a Board.

The ASC currently comprises 16 low fee, co-educational day Schools, 12 of these in the Anglican Province of Western Australia, and four in the Diocese of Wangaratta in north-east Victoria and the Albury border area of New South Wales.

School Crest

The School Crest comprises a number of elements representing the Church, education and the local area.

The centrepiece of the traditional shield is the Pectoral Cross worn by Dr Peter Carnley, School Patron, former Archbishop of Perth and primate of the Anglican Church of Australia.  It has four hearts which represent the four Gospels - Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

The Crest also contains three 'scenes'

  1. The Banksia representing local flora and the beautiful bushland setting of the School
  2. The Open Book represents 'learning' and 'truth' - The Bible is the source of truth, a book of knowledge 
  3. The Railway tracks representing 'Journey' education for the journey through life, the School being located adjacent to the Perth - Mandurah Railway.

The Bishop's Mitre sits on top of the shield, representing the authority of the Church and the Archbishop of Perth, and reminding the community that the School is a member of the wider Anglican community.

The motto 'Grace and Truth' comes from the opening of John's Gospel, where the writer states that The Word became a human being and, full of GRACE AND TRUTH, lived among us (John 1:14) (Good News Translation).

Both the School crest and motto capture (at both a sacred and temporal level) the theme of journey: journey of life, journey of learning, journey of faith.

The inspiration for the crest and motto came from Dr Carnley.