
Music continues to permeate through many aspects of school life at Peter Carnley Anglican Community School. Students are involved in music at their own level of development: it stretches the gifted and talented but also aids the development of the student coping with learning difficulties. It is all-inclusive, student-focused, and there is a place for everyone.

The Music Tuition Programme continues to be a strength in the School with over 150 students developing their instrumental skills through weekly one-on-one or small group lessons. Thank you to the ten skilled tutors for supporting the students through teaching the correct techniques, expanding repertoire, preparing for performances and developing musicianship. Students have the opportunity to have one-on-one lessons with a music tutor on the following instruments:

  • Piano
  • Flute
  • Clarinet
  • Trumpet
  • Trombone
  • Saxophone
  • Guitar
  • Voice
  • Drums

Students can enrol in the programme by completing the Music Tuition Enrolment Form

The ensemble programme has expanded in recent years, and now includes:

  • PCACS Concert band
  • Junior Band
  • Young Voices (Yr 3 Choir)
  • Peter Carnley Children’s Choir (Yr 4-6 Choir)
  • Jazz Choir (Senior Choir)
  • Beginner String Ensemble
  • Advanced String Ensemble
  • Rock Band
  • Music Play (PP-Year 2 Choir)

Students who are enrolled in the Music Tuition Programme are expected to attend one of the ensembles relevant to their instrument or vocal lesson. 

The School also offers students the opportunity to hire a musical instrument. The purpose of a hired instrument is to allow students, parents and tutors to ascertain the suitability of the instrument for the student as well as an opportunity for the student to test their enjoyment of learning that particular instrument without having to purchase one.

Classroom music is a compulsory subject at PCACS and is enjoyed by students from Pre Primary to Year 9. The Junior School participate in weekly lessons and gain valuable experiences through moving, playing and listening. The Senior School through Years 7 to 9  learn basic instrumental skills on guitar and keyboard as well as appreciating and developing an understanding of a wide range of genres and styles. 

In Years 10, 11 and 12 Music is chosen as a Course of Study in which performance is a primary focus supported by the development of aural and theory training, and cultural and historical awareness. Music is an essential part of everything we do at PCACS in offering a holistic education to our students. The enthusiasm, energy and skill that the students continue to bring to this learning area is inspiring and I look forward to seeing this continue to develop in the years to come.