2019 CME Inspiring Girls

The Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia (CME) Inspiring Girls initiative is a unique careers event designed to showcase the resources industry to female secondary school students and inspire students to follow in the footsteps of Women in Resources Awards finalists and winners. Inspiring Girls provides an opportunity for students to interact with industry representatives and reinforce key messages around women working in the resources sector.

Today, Madison Good and Laelah Geere (Year 11), together with Tahnika Woodley, Genevieve Rowlands and Zullah Day (Year 10) attended the 2019 Inspiring Girls Careers Forum at RAC Arena.

In this half day forum, the Students listened to inspiring presentations from WIRA finalists and winners, participated in hands-on resources related activities, took part in a ‘speed careering’ session and interacted with industry representatives who love working in the resources sector.

This opportunity for the girls aims to increase their awareness of varying resource career pathways, dispels myths about industry image, promotes the benefits and opportunities for females working in the resource sector and builds networks and partnerships between industry and schools.

Thank you to Miss Amber Wesley for accompanying the girls to the forum.