2020 Prefect Elections

Peter Carnley Anglican Community School (PCACS) aims to inspire students to see their leadership potential and to hone their natural talents, so they can take these skills into the world beyond PCACS.

Throughout a students’ journey at PCACS they are given opportunities to develop the necessary skills and confidence they need to contribute meaningfully to society. We foster the qualities of a leader in our students, giving them opportunities to develop their communication skills as well as their honesty, integrity, confidence, commitment, positivity, creativity and intuition. 

On Thursday 29 August and Friday 30 August, students in Year 11 interested for leadership positions in 2020 gave their respective speeches to the Senior School cohort.  There are a number of positions that students can nominate for including:

  • Head Boy
  • Head Girl
  • Service Captain
  • Arts Captain
  • House Captain (One per house)

17 Year 11 students have shown a genuine interest in becoming a student leader next year and following a letter of intent in the weeks leading up to the speeches, each student spoke with enthusiasm and clarity.  The students running for House Captains spoke to their respective House students and Prefects in front of the entire Senior School at the Senior School assembly.  All students within Senior School had the opportunity to vote who they thought would best fit each position and all votes have now been calculated.

The next step is an interview with Principal, Ms Felicity House and Director of Pastoral Care (Compass) Mr Adam Halliday.  The announcement of the selected leaders will take place in the coming weeks.