2020 Student Leader Announcement!

On Thursday 31 October, students from Years 2-12, staff and parents gathered in the Keith Lindbeck Centre for the School's first Student Leader Announcement Assembly.

At PCACS Student Leadership is taken seriously, and not only our responsibility in growing successful leaders in our School but also in the wider community.

Through the student council, YMAD, Duke of Edinburgh, Peer Support, Camps, Co Curricular, Sporting Team and even in everyday lessons and activities, student leaders become apparent and opportunities are provided for growth, experience and skills development.

The School's new Junior School leadership model was also launched with with two Junior School Captains, two Service Captains from each House and two Sports Captains from each House announced.

The School Prefects are our Head Boy, Head Girl, Deputy Head Prefects, House Captains, Service and Arts Captains.  They lead the Whole School.  After a rigorous application, interview and voting process, the best candidates are selected by Principal, Ms House and Director of Pastoral Care, Mr Halliday.  The elected leaders for 2020 are:



Murray Sports Captains: Joshua Hobbins and Claire Walters
Laurence Sports Captains:  Jade Hutton and Jasmine Gosain
Moody Sports Captains:  Anotidaishe Marowa and Hannah-Mae Rowse
Lindbeck Sports Captains: Alana Reid and Kade Holmes


Murray Service Captains: Hamish Sullivan and Samuel Batchelor
Laurence Service Captains:  Nikitah Best and Vibha Bhujbal
Moody Service Captains:  Portia-Lee Freeman and Alfie Sherriff
Lindbeck Service Captains: Max Dring and Amber Salathiel


Charlotte Pridmore and Zayde Kingston


Laurence House Captain: Jessica Clark
Murray House Captain: Alexander Riseley
Lindbeck House Captain: Madison Good
Moody House Captain: Armandeep Singh
Arts Captain: Michael Carroll
Service Captain: Annelise Morton
Deputy Head Prefect: Manaia Duff-Grosvenor
Deputy Head Prefect: Lona Lokosang
HEAD GIRL: Shekinah Wilkinson
HEAD BOY: Mitchell Mullineaux