2023 Student Leaders Assembly

On Thursday 27 October, the staff and students at the Wellard campus gathered in the KLC to find out which students would be announced as 2023 leaders.

Head of Junior School, Mrs Shirley Steele spoke about how Junior School students are encouraged to develop leadership skills at PCACS, whether it be in the classroom by assisting fellow students and teachers, in the playground, on the sporting field, or presenting at Assemblies and Chapels. Principal Ms Felicity House addressed the School, highlighting that 'Leadership' at PCACS is a call to service, and all students in Senior School are given opportunities to exhibit leadership skills, to be proud of their school, and to be exemplary ambassadors both in school and in the wider community.

"Leadership is developed by supporting your peers, being involved in School activities, Service learning, Sporting, and Cultural events, being a Peer Support Leader, Participating in the Duke of Ed, and in the ways you step up to show leadership. You show leadership by demonstrating our School values - spirituality, excellence, honesty, respect, acceptance, and justice and demonstrate the Christian teaching of the Gospels"

Congratulations to the following students who were presented with their leadership positions for 2023:


Murray Sports Captains:  Dylan Prue and Chenuli Senarath Rathnayake
Laurence Sports Captains:  Adam Rust and Charlotte Bullock
Moody Sports Captains:  Nokutenda Marowa and Hayden Dobson
Lindbeck Sports Captains:  Aleisha Mills and Abhinav Anish
Murray Service Captain:  Bhagya Bhavsar
Laurence Service Captain:  Stella Hall
Moody Service Captain:  Rosa Kovac
Lindbeck Service Captain:  Nyanuer Deng
Junior School Deputy Captains: Carys Belohlawek and Jude Artemis
Junior School Captains: Isla Collidge and Jack Chamber


Moody House Captain:  Blake Pratt     
Murray House Captain:  Hannah Pearson
Laurence House Captain:  Abbee Zikali
Lindbeck House Captain:  Lisa-Rae Maplanka
Chapel Captain:  Jeren Calingasan
Arts Captain:  Sophie Hall                    
Service Captain:  Tashinga Chipfunhu             
Deputy Head Prefect:  Felix Abbott    
Deputy Head Prefect:  Ada Isidienu
Head Boy:  Byron Silchinger
Head Girl:  Stephanie Beaumont Cabrera