A Day with Dr Carnley

On Tuesday 12 June, The Most Reverend Dr Peter Carnley and his wife Ann visited PCACS to spend time at both of our campuses.

Commencing the day at the Calista Campus, Dr Carnley enjoyed the K-1 Chapel service and spent the good part of the morning exploring classrooms, participating in class activities and talking with staff and students.

After sharing a morning tea with Calista staff, Dr Carnley arrived at the Wellard campus and the Year 3 students had a rare opportunity to interview Dr Carnley as part of their Term Biography Project.  

"What were your favourite subjects at School?  How many siblings do you have?  How did your Primary School compare with our School? What are your greatest achievements?" (These were some of the well-thought questions prepared by the students prior to their interview). 

Dr Carnley has lived a very interesting and full life and everyone was amazed and some of Dr Carnley's accomplishments.  Here are just a few to mention:

  • In 1992, he ordained the first women priests in the Anglican Church of Australia at St George's Cathedral, Perth
  • He served as Distinguished Visiting Professor in systematic theology at the General Theological Seminary of the Episcopal Church in New York City from 2010 to 2013.
  • In the 2007 Queen's Birthday Honours list, he was appointed a Companion of the Order of Australia
  • He has written a number of books and has contributed to many publications and is currently in the final stages of his next published book.

Following this session, Dr Carnley wandered parts of the Wellard Campus and finished the afternoon with a small group of selected student leaders from different year levels.  Dr Carnley spoke about topics of his published works and current projects, the early days of 'community' spirit before PCACS was built and the establishment of our School, parts of his personal journey as the Archbishop of Perth and finally students had the opportunity to openly talk with Dr Carnley about issues affecting young people today.

It was a day enjoyed by all of the PCACS community and we look forward to sharing some more time with Dr Carnley on Friday as we celebrate Founders' Day.