A PCACS Education is unique.

Surrounded by caring and encouraging staff, students at Peter Carnley Anglican Community School (PCACS) enjoy the opportunity to flourish. On their journey from Kindergarten to Year 12, our students discover their hidden gifts and talents and grow from happy and grounded girls and boys into confident young women and men.

The focus in the Upper Primary years is to grow 'together'. Through rich and diverse learning experiences, staff work with the students to develop independence, confidence and a love of learning.

Our classrooms are contemporary learning spaces (because as we know, all students learn differently) and on any given day, walking through a classroom at PCACS, you can expect to see self-discovery activity areas, shared technology, wellness and reading havens, inquiry-focused learning. ‘Walls of fame', affirmation and family-friend zones, all which support and nurture our students' social learning.  Independent learning is just as important as collaborative learning and students often choose a space in the classroom that helps them learn most effectively.  This can change on a daily basis.  This also extends outside of the classroom with students starting every day with exercise and nature play.  This helps students feel relaxed and focussed to start each day fresh.   We encourage our students to be risk-takers and explorers in their learning, and since we don’t experience the world in discrete subjects, it makes sense that we set up opportunities so students won’t either.  Those experiences really shape our students as individuals. Here is just a taste of what our students will experience throughout their time in the lead up to Year 7:

YEAR 4 ZOO EXCURSION Year 4 classes visit Perth Zoo as part of their Integrated Inquiry Unit.  They explore threatened and endangered animals. The students spend the day learning how humans and other factors have affected each animal and how scientific discoveries are helping to ensure their long term survival. They also investigate native species and how they can create fauna friendly habitats for local wildlife.

YEAR 4 FITTER, FASTER, BETTER Introduced in 2019, FITTER, FASTER, BETTER is a boot camp performance like no other, where your personal trainer isn't a gym junkie with an Instagram obsession, but rather, an 8 to 10 year-old. It challenges the contemporary commodification of fitness offering an opportunity to reflect on childhood and movement. Reclaiming play as audience (Parents and teachers) participants work out, in and around an open space within the school.  The first component of the programme is four half day workshops delivered as a school incursion. The workshops are instructed by Black Swan Theatre artists and attended by our PCACS Year 4 classes. Over the four days, the artists’ work with the students on craft activities, drama and dance choreography and discuss how students can use their school spaces in a new way. The second component, on the fifth day, are two 45-minute boot camps in an open space in the school, close to playground equipment It is a uniquely experiential and motivational performance event where our ideas about the body in motion are refocused through the eyes of a child.


YEAR 5 CAMP - FOREST EDGE Forest Edge is situated on 105 acres of beautiful, undulating land, is ideal for group development and only minutes away from extraordinary 'Waroona Dam' and the very picturesque 'Drakesbrook Weir'.  Students enjoy a variety of Social and Physical Adventure Activities over 3 days, the experience is designed to fulfill goals which focus on leadership, communication, trust, support, teamwork and self-esteem. Every student meets a new challenge.

YEAR 5 AEGIS AGED CARE VISITS One of the highlights for the Year 5 students is visiting the Aegis Aged Care Facility. Students are given resident buddies, and they visit them weekly. Students take games, gifts, and stories, and spend valuable time getting to know the residents. Many special relationships are forged throughout this experience, and the intergenerational learning experience certainly helps the students grow. 

YEAR 6 STUDENT SUPPORT IN 2019 Initiated by the Year 6 cohort, a handful of Year 6 students have begun their role as 'Student Support Leaders' around the Junior School.  These students are assigned to this position to support younger students at recess and lunch.  Dressed in orange vests and armed with a clipboard and plenty of enthusiasm, some of these students' tasks include assisting students with play problems, helping students find a friend to play with, demonstrating how to play a new game and helping students build cubbies in the bush play area.  This initiative encourages leadership within the Year 6 students but ensures all students feel supported and happy in new and existing friendship groups and enjoy their 'play' time outside of the classroom.  This is beneficial for our Year 6s transitioning into Year 7. 

YEAR 6 HEALTHY FOOD FAIR During the Year 6 Integrated Studies, students learn about the nutritional value of food, sustainable practices and factors affecting a successful business. To conclude the unit, they host a Health Food Fair to raise funds for playground equipment in the school. Leading up to the event, students work in small groups to make a proposed business plan, advertise their stall and prepare food. Students work in groups to plan, prepare and cook a healthy snack. They have an hour and a half to cook and set up their stall, ready for sales at lunch time for the remainder of the school. This is a positive way for students to put their knowledge into practice and see the reward for their hard work.


Our goal as educators is to ensure our students transition into Year 7 seamlessly.  At PCACS, the Years 4-6 programmes we have in place are purposeful, researched and delivered carefully, so our students are ready to commence their Senior School experience with optimism and excitement.

A PCACS Education is unique.

Our ultimate goal is to take each child on an Educational Journey through school and for life beyond our gates as confident adults where they will have the capacity to tackle and solve life problems, have a strong work ethic and be compassionate people.  That is our passion, our purpose and our challenge as PCACS educators.