A tribute to the PCACS maintenance staff

On Tuesday 2 July, the staff and students from Kindergarten to Year 1 gathered in the Calista auditorium for a special 'thank you' assembly to acknowledge our maintenance and grounds staff members, Noel Reid, Andrew Grosas (Drew), Norm Morrison, Chris McGuinn and Deborah Young (Deb).

As a growing school (now) with two campuses, there is an incredible amount of work to be undertaken on a weekly basis.  From maintaining gardens, lawns and protecting our native vegetation to ensuring classroom and play areas are safe and in good working order, there is never a shortage of tasks and challenges each day.  Sourcing and managing a variety of contractors and suppliers coming in and out of the school and having the ability to troubleshoot when things need urgent attention, this is just 'part of the job' for our trained team.

During the assembly, each staff member was presented with a student-designed coffee mug as well as enjoying portraits the students had prepared for the assembly.  Our maintenance staff do everything with a smile and as our teaching staff and students prepare for their mid year holidays, our maintenance team will be busy making sure our School grounds are immaculate and everything is in working order ready for the second half of 2019.

Congratulations to the students who also received Bronze Certificates for their hard work throughout the assembly and to Pre-Primary C who won the tidy town award for this fortnight.  Thank you to Ms Alicia Walter for facilitating the 'Thank you' song and all the special musical components she prepares for these assemblies/chapel services, our parents who attended to support their children and to the staff and students who contributed to the smooth running of the assembly.