ACC Cross Country Carnival

The 2019 ACC Interschool Cross Country Carnival was held on the surrounds of Perry Lakes on Thursday of Week 5.  A squad of 67 Year 7 to 12 students were selected to compete in the gruelling course of 3km for the girls and 4 km for the boys.  With approximately 4000 students from 80 schools, it was a big event, with some races having up to 400 competitors.  It was a fantastic experience for our students as this was a good indicator of how fast they were compared to some of the best runners from some of the biggest schools in the state.

Our squad members performed to their best and did the school proud.  It was a great to see the students cheering each other on and showing wonderful PCACS sportsmanship and behaviour.  Our top performing student was Year 7 Anotida Chiyangwa who came 13th in the Under 13 Boys race.

Congratulations to all students who competed and proudly represented our School.  Thanks to Mrs Layman, Mr Radulovic and Mr Halliday and our student helpers Alisia and Frances who helped on the day.

All results can be seen on the ACC website. Follow the link  

Mr Roh Weddikkara