ACC Exceed Run Club

The ACC Exceed Run Club is now up and running and ready for students that are missing their Cross Country training and racing. Exceed is a virtual running club for ACC students powered by the Strava platform. 

Strava club site:

ACC Web Site – Exceed:

The purpose of the club is an alternative to the usual school cross country training programmes and ACC Carnival in Term 2. The club is an online running community for ACC students so that they can record their training runs and complete ACC Cross Country course runs over 3km or 4km at community locations. Involvement in the Exceed Club is optional and informal. The club is simply for fun and motivation. The ACC will not use the results for any “formal” competition between schools and students.

The ACC will track the performances of the students on Strava and publicise student performances on our website and social media. Students can follow their friends and competitors on Strava to check out their times, segment performances and challenge each other.

To be part of the run club students need to be at least 13 years of age and must have parental permission to join the Strava club.

Visit to create your free profile account, set your privacy settings to ACC safety recommendations, get the Strava app on your smart phone and start running. Students will follow and record their run on the Strava web applications or link their GPS fitness device (i.e. Garmin) to their Strava account.  

Individual training runs

Students who join the Exceed club will be encouraged to record any runs they do on Strava and the ACC Exceed Club will display a leader board with the weekly leaders in distance run, average pace and vertical climbing.  Distances here are irrelevant and students can run at their own fitness level. This is a great way to motivate yourself to keep active and running on a regular basis. You can follow your friends and competitors at other schools to compare your performances and challenge each other.

Virtual Club Race Events

As part of the Exceed club the ACC will also set up club events with specific course routes marked out over a 3km or 4 km course to match the ACC Cross Country distances. Routes will be set up in a number of different locations in Perth and also in major regional cities and towns. These virtual races will remain open at any time for a week and students can complete the course as many times as they like while the event is open, each time trying to improve their performance. For the ACC virtual Exceed club races, the ACC is asking students where possible to complete the run with a buddy and run as a pair. Each pair should be supervised by a parent or guardian. Students may not run in groups larger than 10 and should not advise other people the time and date that they plan on completing a race run.  There will be no cost to students and the ACC will manage this service in lieu of the regular Cross Country Carnival. ACC will publish race results on our web site and social media and acknowledge the best individual performances in each race.

The virtual event races are informal and simply for fun and the ACC will not use the results for any “formal” competition between schools and students. The results will not be used to select winners, award trophies or pick an all-star team.

Privacy and Security: the ACC has provided a detailed guide as to how to safely set your privacy settings on Strava to protect your privacy, location, identity and security when running and recording via Strava. Schools should ensure that students are instructed to use the recommend ACC Strava settings when they set up their free Strava profile.

Anonymous Profile: as an added privacy and security measure, the ACC office is providing a service where we will assign an anonymous profile name for students that wish to remain unidentified on Strava and social media. Each school simply needs to contact the ACC with the name of the student and a unique 8 letter code will be provided for that student. Only the ACC office, School Sports Coordinator and the student will know who their anonymous profile code name is on Strava.

For more information contact Mr Weddikkara at the School.