ACC 'F' Division Athletics Carnival 2019

2019’s ACC Interschool Athletics squad was the biggest so far, 85 students competing for the School in the F division Carnival on Tuesday 10 September.  With some amazing weather (possibly even too hot) the team started extremely well and after the first part of the day we were sitting comfortably in second position.  With strong opposition and tiring legs, unfortunately we could not hold onto this position and progressively moved down the ladder.  The students performed admirably throughout the day and performed to the best of their ability. In the end we finished in 5th position, the same as 2018. 

Nevertheless, the students should be proud of their efforts and displayed excellent sportsmanship and spirit throughout the day. It was also wonderful to have Year 8 student Caleb Whyte compete in the “No limits” category for the first time.  Congratulations to all students involved.  We had some outstanding individual performances:

Congratulations to all students who competed as well as a big thank you to, Mr Halliday, Mr Radulovic, Mrs Layman and Mrs Clark for their help on the day.  We also had 10 student officials who assisted, and did an outstanding job.

Mr Roh Weddikkara