ANZAC DAY Assembly

Term 2 at Peter Carnley Anglican Community School has officially commenced and we gathered as a whole school on the first day back for students in the Keith Lindbeck Centre.  As our community came together, we remembered and recognised those who have protected and served our country in the past and in the present.

ANZAC DAY - There is one day in the year that involves all of Australia in ceremonies of remembrance, gratitude and nationalistic pride for all those Australian men and women who have fought and died in war.

"We recall those who, in the tragedy of war gave their lives for Australia and those who died for the freedom of all people. We remember those who found rest on the ridges of Gallipoli; those who rest in the cemeteries of the great wars; those who rest in the haze of desert and jungle; those who rest in the depths of the seas. We remember those who have fallen in the defence of peace, on land, in the air and on the sea. We remember each man, woman and child who has died so that the light of freedom, justice and humanity may continue to shine. Today, as we remember, we ask God that our praise may be worthy of their sacrifice."

Thank you to all of the students, parents and staff who attended and contributed to the solemn service.

A special thank you to our invited guests Sergeant Anthony Van Andel (Australian Army), Mr Ron Hiscock (President of the Kwinana RSL) and Cr Matthew Rowse (City of Kwinana) for their ceremony participation and wise words spoken.