Book Week Celebrations 2021

Book Week is one of the much-anticipated events at Peter Carnley Anglican Community School where reading and writing are celebrated and embraced.

This year’s Book Week Theme was: OLD WORLDS, NEW WORLDS, OTHER WORLDS.  The Book Week Dress Up parade at both campuses showcased the creativity of both staff and students, bringing to life the most popular and prominent book characters. 

We recognised the achievements of Australian Children’s Authors and Illustrators whose books have won awards this year by the Children’s Book Council of Australia. There have been competitions in Junior and Senior School, visiting Authors, author excursions to the Darius Wells Library and a Staff Vs Students debate taking place at lunchtime today.  The topic for the debate is ‘Social media has improved human communication’.  Last year staff were victorious in the debate, will the students be able to win the perpetual shield this year?