Book Week Celebrations 2022

In Week 6 PCACS celebrated Book Week across both campuses. The theme of this year's Book Week was “Dreaming with eyes open”.

We started the week with two West Australian Children’s Authors.

Sean Avery, a picture book author and illustrator entertained the Year 2 to 6’s. He read his latest book ‘Happy as a hog out of Mud’ to the students and the children with his guidance drew the main character ‘Charlesworth Oinkington’. Sean explained to the students that he had written many books that were rejected by publishers and how important it is to keep persisting in life until you succeed.

The Year 1’s attended a workshop with Kelly Canby. Kelly showed the students how to create an interesting story from the children’s own ideas. The children were given the opportunity to create their own character starting from a circle, then using a dice to decide how many legs, arms, eyes, ears, etc their character should have. Kelly also signed the school copy of her book ‘The hole’.

A Book Character Dress-up day was enjoyed by students and staff. Many thanks to the parents, the costumes were fantastic. Staff at the Calista and Wellard Campuses showcased their costumes and talents with a skit and we also announced the Children's Book Council Award Book Winners for 2022.

The Pre-primary students also attended a session with author Brienne Stewart at the Darius Wells Centre.

To follow on with our PCACS tradition, and to finish off the week,  the Staff Vs Students Debate took place on Friday 26 August. The topic was Is higher education a necessary prerequisite for financial success? The students were affirmative and the staff were negative.  Once again, the staff team were successful in their argument!

Staff team members: Nick Rust, Nicole Secker, Isabella Dudek
Student team members: Byron Silchinger, Sophie Hall, Stephanie Wilkinson

Mrs Melaine Hill