Calista Book Fair and Learning Showcase

This week, our Library staff and volunteers have been busy setting up and facilitating our annual Book Fair at our Calista campus.  This is an opportunity for our students to explore books of interest and engage with topics and genres that they are most interested in.

Reading and engaging in books helps your child getting to know sounds, words and language, and develop those critical early literacy skills.  

Traditionally, ‘Clifford the Dog’ visits the classrooms and engages with our students during this week, and once again he didn’t disappoint!  Clifford is the character of a series of books and while he was born a normal size, the reason why Clifford grew so big in his stories is because his owner, Emily, loved him so much!

The students at the Calista Campus were very excited to see Clifford again as he was bombarded with hugs and High Fives.  

The importance of ‘student learning’ is a major focus this term in Junior School across both campuses and following the Book Fair, students will take part in a Open Classroom Learning showcase in Week 4.  The Learning Showcase will provide the Kindergarten to Year 6 students an opportunity to discuss their school work and Evidence of Learning Folders with their families within the classrooms, thus celebrating their progress made so far at school.  Teachers will be available to answer questions as required; however, the main emphasis will be on the students guiding and leading conversations with their family visitors.  

These types of events are very exciting for the students and we encourage all parents to attend.  The schedule for Week 4 is as follows:

Calista Campus – Tuesday 21 May

  • 8:45am  Assembly – All Kindergarten to Year 1 families are invited
  • 9:15am  Classroom Visits – Kindergarten to Year 1 families visit their child’s classroom to view their child’s school work and hear about all the wonderful learning that is happening
  • 10:45am - 11:05am  Recess Time – Families are welcome to visit the Book Fair with their child to purchase a book.  Tea and coffee will be available for families in the staff kitchen.

Wellard Campus – Friday 24 May

  • 9:00am - 10:45am Year 2 – 6 Cross Country events – Families are invited to spectate
  • 10:45am - 11:05am  Parents and Friends Morning Tea – Families are welcome to join the P&F for refreshments at the Undercover Area
  • 11:05am - 12:30am  Classroom Visits – Year 2 to Year 6 families visit their child’s classroom to view their child’s school work and hear about all the wonderful learning that is happening.