City of Kwinana - 2019 LyriK Awards Winners

Congratulations to the cast and crew of Guys and Dolls Jr who were awarded the Teamwork Award at the 2019 City of Kwinana LyriK awards.  The LyriK program  (Leadership Youth Respect in Kwinana) was developed to build the resilience of young people in Kwinana through public recognition and community participation. The Teamwork awards recognises young people and groups that have demonstrated a commitment to working in a team.  The Guys and Dolls Jr cast and crew were recognised as a dedicated group of young people who had worked effortlessly, and with such determination, to put on one of best productions in the City of Kwinana. 

Year 12 student Kai Best was awarded the Inspiration Award for overcoming difficulties in day-to-day life while still contributing to their community.  Kai also received the Progress Award.  Cassandra Palermo (Year 12) was awarded the Mateship Award for demonstrating kindness and generosity to others in need. 

Congratulations to our young leaders for their contributions to both the Kwinana and Peter Carnley ACS communities.  Each category winner received a $250 incentive to spend on an opportunity of their choosing. Category winners were also given a further $50 to donate to a charity of their choice.