Class of 2019 - Valedictory Tree

As is now tradition for the departing group of PCACS Year 12 students, the Class of 2019 gathered on Tuesday 22 October to celebrate the first stage of their Valedictory, by planting the 'Class of 2019' tree.

Nestled on the slope between the Junior School and Keith Lindbeck Centre, the garden bed was recently prepared by our maintenance department, the soil turned and the tree was lifted into place by selected students and staff.  All members of the Class of 2019 then had their moment and shoveling new soil around the base of the tree.  

Ms House and Mr Halliday spoke to the students about their time at PCACS and that the planting of this tree will always serve as a reminder of it. They extended an open invitation to all students to come back in the future, to touch base, speak to their former teachers and involve themselves in our wonderful community.  After the tree was planted, Ms Stringer led the students in a blessing and prayer for their journey ahead.

This is the final week for the Class of 2019 as they prepare for a group breakfast/activities morning tomorrow and then concluding with the Valedictory assembly with the whole school throughout the day on Thursday, followed by a Eucharist Celebration in the evening and dinner with parents and staff.