Class of 2022 Valedictory Celebrations

To honour the Class of 2022 and their time at PCACS, the School held a moving Valedictory Assembly where the staff and students paid tribute to the Year 12 students. The Year 6 students sang ‘Thank you for Being a Friend’ and the Year 2 students presented each Year 12 with a candle and a personalised letter for their Valedictory pack. This part of the assembly was a culmination of a year-long mentor programme between our youngest and eldest students at the Wellard campus. 

Head Boy Izacc Dahdal and Head Girl Daniella Mukwada spoke on behalf of the Year 12s, sharing their memories throughout Primary and Secondary School. At the conclusion of the assembly, the younger students formed a guard of honour.  This glorious PCACS tradition is truly uplifting to watch and experience. As the Year 12s walked their final walk throughout the school grounds, the younger students cheered and waved to the ‘big kids’, finally, the Year 12s gathered at the cross, for a final photo at the front of the school. We followed that evening with a very special Valedictory Eucharist and Dinner.  Principal, Ms Felicity House thanked the families and their commitment to the school, wishing the class of 2022 well as they venture beyond our gates. 

Thank you to The Right Reverend Kate Wilmot for leading our first Valedictory Eucharist Service in our beautiful Grace Chapel. A huge congratulations to Head of Year 12, Mr Adam Lakey and Director of Pastoral Care, Mrs Rebecca Weddikkara for organising the series of farewell events for the Year 12s, finishing with the Valedictory Dinner for over 200 guests in the Keith Lindbeck Centre. Thank you to our Head of Senior School, Mr Steve Wynhorst and Deputy Head of Senior School, Mr Ross Dods for their leadership and guidance.

Parents will receive an email via SEQTA with a link to all the photos taken throughout the Valedictory celebrations including the Valedictory farewell Video.