Crazy Hair Day and House Day

Today the PCACS community celebrated Crazy Hair Day and House Day at both campuses.  Donations received online from PCACS families went to 'Canteen', a charity which is close to the students Jack and Olivia Opie, whose mother had been battling brain cancer for a number of years.  Today's activities were inspired by the Opie family.

At recess at the Wellard campus, Year 11 student Scott Matthews and Year 12 Head Girl, Shekinah Wilkinson participated in the World’s Greatest Shave.  Both students have raised over $500 each for Leukaemia Foundation.  Sharna, a hairdresser from Calista Barber Shop donated her time for this event. Shekinah’s hair will be repurposed into a wig for a cancer patient and Scott’s into compost/mulch.

Students at both campuses also created a Prayer Wall; writing prayers on hearts and post-its for families affected by cancer as well as for the doctors and nurses involved.

Donations for both the 'Leukaemia Foundation' and 'Canteen' totalled just over $5000.  An amazing effort by everyone.

Donations can be made at the following link: