Deputy Premier Roger Cook MLA visits Calista campus!

On Friday 24 July the Peter Carnley Anglican Community School Calista campus welcomed hon Roger Cook MLA, Deputy Premier of Western Australia to a special assembly with the Year 1 students. 

Ms Felicity House (Principal), Mrs Shirley Steel (Head of Junior School), Mr Matt Rowse (P&F President and City of Kwinana Councillor), Rev Kim (School Chaplain), Mrs Donna Farmer (Director of Early Learning), Mr Shane Parnell (Head of IT and Operations) and other ELC staff enjoyed listening to students share their favourite things about our beautiful state.  When introduced to the students, and when asked what Mr Cook does, one student confidently shared, "He is a cook and he likes to cook pancakes!"  Mr Cook promptly replied, "I actually love to cook pavlovas!"  Another student was very sure that Mr Cook was "The Principal of WA".

Mr Cook presented the Western Australian flag to Ms House and also enjoyed a tour of the campus, where he had an opportunity to chat with staff and students.