Farewell Class of 2020

Today (Tuesday 20 October) the Year 12 students received their final Valedictory farewell from the PCACS School community.

In what has been a challenging year for all, the Year 12 graduates 'finally' enjoyed their final PCACS assembly, listening to the imparting and wise words from Ms Felicity House, Mr Steve Wynhorst and Mr Adam Halliday, whilst reminiscing about their School experiences, the cherished friendships and memories made and the important life lessons learnt.

For the first time in this celebration, a 'Masters' and 'Grand Masters' Award was presented by Mr Philip Goldsworthy (Chair of Council) to a handful of students who have completed their entire Schooling at PCACS from the Early Learning years. As is now tradition, the Year 2 students presented each Year 12 with a candle and a letter and the Year 6 students performed a farewell song to the graduates.

Following the assembly, the Years 5 and 6 students formed a guard of honour as the Class of 2020 processed through the School grounds where they met at the School Cross for their final Year 12 photograph.

Congratulations to all of the Year 12 students for reaching this important milestone, to their parents for the constant support throughout their schooling and the staff for guiding them along the way. The Year 12s will meet again this evening in the KLC to celebrate with a final Eucharist followed by their Valedictory dinner.