Final Junior School Assembly for Term 3

On Wednesday 17 September, the Year 2-6 students gathered in the Keith Lindbeck Centre for their final Junior School Assembly for Term 3.

Ms Maddy's Year 3 class gave an informative and creative assembly item, celebrating 'Poetry' and all it's elements. 

Mrs Knight and Ms Maddy, took to the stage to congratulate a handful of students who have been building up their distances within the 100 Club.  The 100 Club not only creates individual goals for students to achieve with their running, it keeps them active and healthy at the same time.

Year 3 student Vinnie Snowball showed the entire Junior School his percussion brilliance by busting out an Aussie classic, 'Back in Black' by ACDC with an amazing solo drum performance.

Year 3P were very happy when they were announced as tidy town recipients for this fortnight.  This award creates a real incentive for students to keep clean and tidy school grounds.

Once again, Ms England and Mr Griffin were extremely proud of the continued work rate and personal achievements from individuals in class, a whopping 50 Certificates were handed out at this assembly and presented by Mrs Steel. (20 Bronze, 27 Silver and 3 Gold).  These numbers seem to increase every assembly!

Mr Griffin presented individual results for the Mangahigh (A game-based learning platform for Mathematics) and announced the top 3 classes with the most points for the Term.  Year 6C finished in third, 3M in second and the winners for Term 3 were Mr Morris' Year 4 class.

Finally Mrs Chapman announced the results for the recent Junior School House Athletics Carnival.  Champions and Runner-Ups from each year level were presented a medal by Mrs Steel for their outstanding performances and Murray were this year crowned Champion House.  Mrs Chapman once again congratulated all students for their sportsmanship and participation on the day.