Founders' Day 2021

On Friday 18 June the School celebrated Founders' Day, a day where the community reflects upon and celebrates the starting of the school by paying tribute and giving thanks to the many people whose vision, hard work and dedication played a part in its development. This is a special day each year as the School celebrates all members of the school community for their hard work and also the excellence of the newly selected Scholarship winners for 2022 and to all the strong applicants who were also considered.

Throughout the week and on the day, many staff members received 5 and 10 year badges for their years of service at PCACS, and in conjunction with the School's 15th anniversary, a few staff will be looking at an inaugural 15 years service badge in 2022.

Special guests in attendance:  The Most Reverend Kay Goldsworthy AO (Archbishop of Perth), The Most Reverend Dr Peter Carnley AC (School Patron), Mrs Ann Carnley, Mr Mike Giles (Chief Operating Officer - ASC), Mr Philip Goldsworthy (Chair of PCACS Council), Her Worship The Mayor of Kwinana Carol Adams OAM, Mr Matthew Rowse (President of P&F), Members and former members of School Council, Members of School Executive, Parents, friends and families.

Principal Ms Felicity House shared her appreciation for those that have continued to show support for PCACS,

"Founders' Day is a time we come together to honour those who had the wisdom and foresight to Found this wonderful School. Without their passion and dedication, we would not be here today. To the Most Reverend, Dr Peter Carnley, our School Patron, this school is honoured to bear his name, and to the House Patrons, Reverend Peter Laurence, Mr Keith Lindbeck, Mr John Moody and Bishop David Murray".

Scholarship Winners 2022

Allrounder Scholarship:  Alyssa Lucken and Amelie Howett
The Grace and Truth Scholarship: Andaz Arora
The Bishop David Murray Scholarship for Leadership/Citizenship: Libby Redman
The Archbishop Dr Peter Carnley Scholarship for Academic Excellence: Abbee Zikali

Some other Activities taking place on the Day

  • Inaugural Junior School 'Colour Run', which was a fundraiser for Telethon (Pre Primary to Year 6)
  • Buddy Activity between Senior School and Junior School students
  • House Activities for Senior School including coming up with some very creative 'House Chants', 
  • 'Naming the future 'HUB' building activity  
  • Whole School celebration picnic
  • Design of the coat for our wellbeing dog  'Carnley'
  • Pre Kindy, Kindy and Year 12 Colour/Bubble run at Calista.