Founders' Day 2023

On Friday 16 June, the School celebrated Founders' Day, a day when we reflect upon and celebrate the origin of our beautiful School. Founders' Day is about paying tribute and thanks to the many people whose vision, hard work and dedication played a part in developing PCACS.

Commencing with a whole School service in the Keith Lindbeck Centre, the School community welcomed Official Party attendees Mr Ivan McLean (Chief Operating Officer - ASC), The Most Reverend Dr Peter Carnley AC and The Right Reverend Kate Wilmot (Archbishop of Perth) as well as a host of other supporting guests including Mrs Mary Tennant (P&F Rep), Her Worship The Mayor Carol Adams OAM, Mr Ranjith Weddikkara, Reverend Keith and Mrs Monica Wheeler, Members from the Anglican Parish of Kwinana, Staff, students and families.

Congratulations to the Scholarship recipients for 2024, who were all presented with their certificates from Dr Carnley. A huge thank you to the organising staff, student leaders, musicians and participants for making it such a special occasion.

Following the service, both Junior and Senior School students participated in a variety of Buddy and House activities including the famous Junior School 'Colour Run' on the oval.

It was a day of fun, reflection and celebration for the School's 16th Birthday.