Grandparents' Day 2021

On Tuesday 26 October, we welcomed Grandparents along with parents/caregivers to a special celebration with Junior School students across both campuses.

Head of Junior School, Mrs Shirley Steele spoke of the importance of Grandparents and how special they are in our lives:

"We know that success at school is closely linked to the overall wellbeing of our young people - students do better when they are happy, have a sense of belonging and have a range of positive influences in their lives outside of school.  Thank you grandparents for being part of the lives of our students and our school community. The well-known African proverb says, 'It takes a village to raise a child' rings true to us here at PCACS. Partnerships between students, teachers, parents, extended family and friends are important to us, and today we celebrate our PCACS Village and all those in it".

All students participated in an assembly themed around our Grandparents and following assembly, they enjoyed a morning tea and visit to the students' classrooms to see their classwork and get a sense of the students' school life.

Thank you to our PCACS P&F for supporting this event, like so many with a beautiful morning tea at both Calista and Wellard, our P&F is key to ensuring our community is welcoming and alive.