Guys & Dolls Jr Success!

This year’s school production of Guys and Dolls Jr is a huge success.  Preparation for the show commenced all the way back in Term 3 last year with rehearsals commencing in Term 4. The Production featured  26 talented students on stage students ranging from Year 7 to Year 12.  We also had 5 dedicated students working backstage to manage the many sets, props and staging.  Students rehearsed twice a week after school and gave up many Sundays and holidays to ensure they were prepared for the show. This week’s “Production Week” was a very busy time for these students with long rehearsal days and nights, but the hard work paid off when we opened on Wednesday evening to an enthusiastic audience and presented a fantastic show.  The students have had such a positive experience during Production season and learnt skills that they will take with them beyond their high school years. The close-knit nature of this cast is a key factor in the success of this production and the students should be commended for this.  The performance is one part of the show, however, the friendships formed and the confidence gained, along with the thrill of being on the stage, are the things that will stay with them for many years to come. 

A huge thank you to to thank the many staff, students and families who have collaborated to make this production possible.  From the cast onstage, to the many people backstage, and the dedicated people who have worked tirelessly to help bring this musical to the stage. I encourage you to purchase tickets to our remaining two shows on Friday evening at 7pm and Saturday afternoon at 2pm.  It is a show not to be missed! Tickets are available from the Koorliny Arts Centre website: