Harmony Day 2021 - "Everyone Belongs"

Harmony Day is celebrated on March 2021 each year as part of the Harmony Week Celebrations.  It is a time when we celebrate multiculturalism within our Australian culture.

Did you know that close to half of the people that live here in Australia were born in another country or have at least one parent that was born in another country?  There are so many cultures we are lucky enough to have within our own School community. Harmony Day at PCACS is where we celebrate the similarities and differences within the people that make up our country.

On each day both students from the Calista and Wellard campuses dressed in traditional clothing representing their cultural heritage.

Students enjoyed a variety of craft activities in class throughout the day, including a costume parade at the Calista campus as well as an African dance flashmob throughout lunch at the Wellard campus. 

With over 30 different cultures representing our School community, we are proud to celebrate and live by the theme for Harmony Day theme in 2021: "Everyone Belongs"