Junior School Assembly - Angels, Jump Rope & Maths Geniuses!

On Wednesday 19 June, the Junior School gathered in the Keith Lindbeck Centre for their Week 8 Assembly.

Hosted by Year 6 students Elissa Pearson, Tatenda Mukwada and Lopke Verstappen the first item introduced was the Year 5M RAVE class.  Their assembly topic was based around the 9 Choir of Angels.  It was well-researched and the costumes added to the interesting and informative presentation.

Ms England, Mr Griffin and Ms House then presented the Bronze and Silver Merit Certificates.  As per last assembly, there were many high achievers and this week close to 40 students have excelled, acknowledged for their outstanding achievements.  

Year 12 students Tisha Davies and Gerrick Cheok were special guests at this week's assembly and together performed Rhianna's hit song, "Stay".  It was beautifully performed and enjoyed by everyone in the KLC.  Year 4 student Lucia Old also played "Blue Moon",  a solo performance on the accoustic guitar.

Year 3M were this week's Tidy Town Award.  This award is chosen by Year 6 students each fortnight and some of the criteria for selecting this award is: 1) Classes that line up quickly and quietly, 2) Classes who keep their bags neat, 3) Areas that are free from litter.

Jump Rope for Heart is another initiative that has been introduced to PCACS in 2019 by Year 2 teacher, Ms Hickey, and Year 4 student Angelita Madruga-Hogarth and Year 3 student Cienna Shepherd spoke about the benefits of skipping but more importantly how the fundraising helps the Heart Foundation fund world class research and support programs for people affected by heart disease. In Term One since the students have been registered, $1327 has been raised.  This is an amazing result in such a short time.  Angelita and Cienna encouraged all Junior School students to participate and register their interest as it not only helps with overall fitness, but raises funds for such an important cause.  Year 5 students Maxi Steiner, Ned Backhouse and Ansuman Shrestha demonstrated a routine they have been practising to inspire other students to also get involved.

Mrs Knight presented certificates to eight students who have achieved milestones for the 100 Club.  The aim of the 100 Club is for students to run, walk, hop, skip or jump 100km by the end of the year. Six students were presented with their 25km milestone certificate at this assembly: Madison Fyles, Angelita Madruga-Hogarth, Logan Wilkinson, Teagan Pearson, Dane Sproxton and Anthony Dryland.  Additionally, Archer Watkins and Olly Benson received their 50km milestone.  These are amazing results!

Upper Junior Coordinator Ms Jane England spoke to the students about Year 6 Leadership within the Junior School and introduced to the stage a handful of Year 6 students dressed in orange reflector vests.  Approximately nine Year 6s will be assigned an important task in offering support to Junior School students at recess and lunch in the coming weeks.  These tasks may include:  assisting students with a play problem, helping students find a friend to play with, demonstrate to students how to play a new game or even help students build cubbies in the bush play area.  This initiative encourages leadership for the Year 6 students but ensures all students feel supported and happy within the Junior School.

In what was already a jam-packed assembly of student achievement, it just kept on going!

Director of Upper Junior Mr Griffin, announced the Mangahigh Maths results for the term, with Year 2W taking out the top Junior School class.  Year 3 M and Year 6C were close behind.  It is fantastic to see our students engaged in Mathematics, not only in class but at home!  Mr Griffin then invited Alexey Ulupov to the lectern and tell us about his swimming achievements.  Alexey has been selected to represent WA in the National School Sport Swimming Competition in Melbourne.  As a para-swimmer, Alexey has received multiple accolades in his chosen sport and his hard work and training, support from family and friends and a desire to succeed will put him in as good position for medal contention for the upcoming championships.

Thank you to the students and staff for the organisation and effort that goes into making these assemblies such a success every fortnight and thank you to those parents in attendance.