Junior School Assembly, Week 2, Term 2

On Wednesday 8 May, the Years 2-6 students gathered in the Keith Lindbeck Centre for their fortnightly assembly.  It was jam-packed with plenty of presentations, achievements and activity:

  • It turned out to be a historical gathering as the school's first House Mascots were finally introduced to the Junior School.  This process commenced in Term 1 and all students had an opportunity to vote on what mascot they thought would best suit their House.  The Year 12 House Captains brought them to life as they 'wore and walked' them into the assembly.
  • Miss Barker and her Year 4s presented the assembly item for Week 2; an information-packed item with a focus on 'bees and honey' and the class used a 'Winney the Pooh' story to get their message out.  The Year 4 students will be exploring bee-friendly gardens throughout the remainder of the year.
  • Ms England had the pleasure of announcing 25 Bronze Certificate recipients, an incredible effort for this time of the year.  Students stood very proudly on stage as they were recognised in front of their peers and received their certificate from Ms House.
  • Mrs McDonald's Year 5 class took out the Tidy Town Award and are continuing to set a fine example for other students, and continue to encourage younger students to take pride in their school, more specifically, keeping their bags tidy and their area free from litter.
  • As part of our new tradition in the PCACS Junior School,  Mrs Steel formally welcomed two new Year 3 students for this term, Oisin (Osh) Hamill and Nasiff (Ayaan) Ibrahim and presented them with Welcome Certificates.
  • Mr Parnell presented Year 5 student Hannah-Mae Rowse with the prize for naming our new Coffee Van at PCACS.  The competition to name the van inspired dozens of entries and 'Carnley's Cuppas' was the name Ms House deemed to be the most appropropriate.  Hannah-Mae won a golden ticket which gives her a free hot chocolate a day for a whole month!
  • Mr Holland had the great pleasure of acknowledging our Interschool swim team who recently took out the KSSA Swimming Carnival.  Not only did the team win the shield, there were multiple individual champions across most year groups within the team.  A true indication of the strength of our team and how the multiple training sessions paid off.
  • As always in Junior School assemblies, Mr Griffin identifies positive behaviours around the Junior School and invited Year 6 students Alyssa Lucken and Finley Crookes to educate the other students about suitable uniform presentation and grooming. 

With talented musicians Leon Stones and Alfie Sherriff entertaining us on piano and our student counsellors delivering informative reports, our Junior School is absolutely buzzing at the moment.  Congratulations to all the staff and students involved in making these assemblies such a success.