Junior School Assembly - Week 6, Term 2

On Wednesday 5 June, the Junior School gathered in the Keith Lindbeck Centre to celebrate student achievement and listen to Year 2T share the very important theme of 'Responsibility' for their assembly item.  This class also received the Tidy Town Award which was fitting to the message they were sharing with their peers.

Over 50 students received Bronze Certificates including three students who received a Silver Certificate.  This is an outstanding achievement from so many diligent and hard working students.


  • The Junior School entertained us with their rendition of 'Garry Galah'
  • Harley & Isabella from Year 4B shared their 'Fitter, Faster, Better' experience (A video of their involvement can be accessed HERE)
  • Our Junior Cross Country Champions were once again congratulated for their outstanding performances last week
  • Ms Walter led the Junior School in song with 'A Million Years', a popular tune with all students
  • Mrs Steele addressed the assembly talking about how important our bush areas on the school grounds are and how lucky we are to have 'Nature Play' at PCACS every day.  Mrs Steele reinforced how important is was to respect the nature surrounding us and suggested students come up with creative ways we can look after these 'living playgrounds' so they can continue to thrive and grow for our enjoyment.

Thank you to the staff and students who ran the assembly so smoothly and for the incredible parent attendance and encouragement.  We are lucky to have such supportive parents who take the time out of their days to celebrate their children's' successes and participation in school activities.