Junior School Assembly - Week 7 Term 3

On Wednesday 4 September, the Junior School held their fortnightly assembly and it was Mrs Knight's Year 3 class who took to the stage for their assembly item.

'The Rainbow Serpent' - A traditional dream time story was their chosen theme which was narrated and acted out by the enthusiastic students. 

As we approach the halfway mark of Week 7 students continue to work diligently in class with  7 Bronze, 14 Silver and 7 Gold Achievement Certificates presented to students.  Diligently in the classroom and proud outside of the classroom, Ms Hickey's class won this week's Tidy Town Award.  

Students who made the extra effort with their costumes at the recent 'Operation Op Shop' fundraiser were presented with an additional Award from Mr Griffin and acknowledged for their creativity and colourful fashion choices!  Once again, Ms Hickey's Year 2 class shone brightly and won the award for the best dressed class!