Learner Strengths Day

On Tuesday 7 September, The Junior School proudly participated in ‘Learner Strengths Day’, a day designed to support the personal growth and wellbeing of our students. This was a wonderful lead-up event to R U OK? Day in the Senior School, Friday of the same week.

Since 2019 when the Learner Strengths model was introduced to the Junior School, students have been given opportunities to have their individual attributes and learning dispositions supported through classroom practice and the presentation of certificates at assemblies. Each student is recognised for their individual strengths throughout the year whether it be Strength of Heart, Mind, Self, Growth or Collaboration. The Learner Strengths model clearly articulates what we aim for our students as they journey along their educational continuum. All students were encouraged to wear a colour representing one or more of the Learner Strengths.

All Junior School students from Kindergarten to Year 6 participated in a rotation of workshops and activities around the School, each linked to one of the five Learner Strengths. In the afternoon, students returned to their own classroom to participate in mindfulness and reflective activities organised by the classroom teacher. The P&F kindly provided morning tea baskets to all classrooms consisting of muffins and fruit and the School provided a complimentary Sausage Sizzle at lunchtime, organised by the Junior School Service Captains and Senior School YMAD (Youth Making A Difference) students.