Musicians take the stage!

The annual Peter Carnley Anglican Community School Music Recital performances have been taking place this week. Hosted at the Calista Auditorium, these performances are an opportunity for our instrumental students to share what they have been working on in their Semester 1 lessons, whilst also practising their performance skills. 

Many of our students are very proficient at their chosen instrument and many have been playing for a number of years but we also have younger students who are at 'beginners level', and are not only getting a sense of their own 'musicality', they are also learning about music reading and getting to know their instrument's capabilities.

The Junior Recitals over the last few nights have been outstanding (With many proud parents in attendance) and tonight we look forward to our Senior School students hitting the stage.  This afternoon our youngest students from Pre Primary to Year 1 will showcase their hard work from 2.00pm.

All our Instrumental tutors have been working with the students to select an appropriate piece and to ensure an adequate performance standard is ready for each recital.

Congratulations to all of our students for their hard work and the incredible effort that goes into these performances.